Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Life Tiled

Life is hard, but never impossible

Mid Year Examinations results

Got my results of MYE yesterday.
Had all passes and is 8/43 position in class! Awesome!
Thank God for the wisdom and knowledge.
I'm happy for my results and will continue to work harder!

Working harder! 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Places that I went today..

Sheares Bridge.
The Place where I stopped and rested while waiting.


CHR OAC 2010

Sonya the Pontianak with a haircut.

Sonya and Jasmin posing

A day where I had lots of fun with my best friends, OAC people..

Today was the day for kayaking leisure + kayaking star 1.
I went for Kayaking leisure, since we only got only star 1 already.  
We started from Kallang Water Venture. We kayak from there to somewhere near the Sheares Bridge.
Since me, Belle, Addison, Jasmin have only Star 1 cert., we have to stop at the Sheares Bridge's nearby platforms and sit there while the others (Valent, Yi Chien, Trevor, Daniel), continue to kayak till they reached the Esplanade. It was quite fun at first when you have to kayak that far but after a while, you'll end up tired. So when we were allowed to rest there, we were like happy?
So while we were there, we started slacking. we lie down on the platform and closed over eyes. Then Belle started singing, "Peeping through the windows, what do people see?" Then all of us started singing out loud, really loud together since we were the only ones there. 
We were laughing and laughing then we started tanning ourselves by lieing down on the platform. It was an awesome moment as the Sun rays shines over you making you want to sleep. We were all silent and we didn't even know Valent was behind us and the other were coming towards us too.
After that, We went for a swim from 1 platform to another platform and back up, then jump in again and start swimming in. It was very cooling.
After swimming, we started to kayak back to Water Venture, Kallang. 
After washing up and everything, we went to take the MRT back to our homes.
While walking, we started to play KMF ( Kill, Marry, Fuck )
It was an interesting game as you get to know what others think.
Well, its a game that you need to ask somebody who you want to kill, marry and fuck with and list out 3 names that he/she knows and then he/she have to choose either of them to kill, marry, fuck with. 
Well, Adam listed Mrs Yeo, Ms Angeline, Ms Puah for Rayson to answer.
Well, Sonya butts in saying, if i were you, i would prefer to kill Ms Puah, Marry Ms Angeline and Fuck Mrs Yeo. HAHAHAHA.

Will blog soon! :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Never judge a book by its cover..

Today had CRC ( Challenging Ropes Course )
Quite fun. Didn't expect my class to do well in it. 
30/43 students came. The others were either absent or going for Mount K. training.
Mr David also said, "Wa, 2/6 ah. Sure cannot make it wan lah, don't need to do liao."
Then in the end, my class proved him wrong.
We all did at least 3 stations out of 6 stations.
Most of them even did all 6. (ME! :D)
It was an awesome experience, doing it with my class.
Well, never underestimate a person (or class) or judge a person (or class) by its looks.

Will blog more often :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Doing nothing is very hard to do, you never know when you're finished...

Life, you'll never know what will happen next.
So, live your life: HAPPY.

A Cheerful Heart Is A Good Medicine... (-Proverbs 17:22 NRSV)

After rehearsal today..
 We walked down to the front gate and was being stopped by the Indian security guard uncle.
It was 3.30+ PM like that at that moment.
We chatted, making jokes, laughing and disturbing people (who walked pass the security guard post and out of the front gate, as the back gate was closed.)
The uncle was like asking us whether we know any person that walked pass then when we told them the names,
he started calling out the names using different type of tone (eg, women tone, angry tone, etc, etc.)
We started LAUGHING OUR ASS OUT. Then people just walked pass us and then give us the diaoz looked.
Today was a quite funny day though. (:

Rehearsals feelings...

Today's the final rehearsal,
Tomorrow's performance day.

Today, me and Amelia went to ask Ms Chan whether we can sit together or not., after the Sec 2s finish rehearsing.
You know why?

'Cause we wanted to make 2N6 proud. We wanted to be able to stand out from the other classes.
We don't want to be a class where nobody's singing while they play (guitars & keyboards)
So we decided to be the 2 person that leads the singing.
Well, I kinda felt nervous though. I didn't really sing in front of so many people 
(Sec 1s, Sec 2s, teachers, Mrs Yeo, Mrs Jacob) before.
Well, guess it depends on luck then.

Wish me luck! (:

Just some riddles....

Hey, just some riddles I wanna share. 
Try it yourself then check if you're correct 
with the answers given below.

Question 1
A queen bee was buzzing, 
A worker bee was buzzing,
A honey bee was buzzing, 
A killer bee was buzzing.
How many bees were in buzzing?

Question 2
What did you wear the day after yesterday?

Question 3
There is a pink single storey house and everything in it is pink.
The doors are pink,
The windows are pink,
And even the TV is pink.
So, what color are the stairs?

Question 4
If a rooster laid 11 eggs and the farmer took 5 of them,
Another rooster laid 14 eggs and 5 of them were rotten,
How many eggs were left?

Question 5
How do cows count?

Question 6
If ones's not enough, two's company and three's a crowd,
what's four and five?

Question 7
Why did the man sleep with a ruler?


  1. There is only 1 bee in buzzing -.-
  2. What I'm wearing today, DUH!!
  3. There are no stairs in a single storey house? Haha.
  4. Roosters? Lay eggs? Roosters don't lay eggs, hens lay eggs.
  5. Using a COW-culator
  6. Nine
  7. To see how long he slept

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sad because I miss you and I love you...

I'm Not Angry Because We Broke Up,
I'm Sad Because I Can't Let You Go..
I'm Not Angry At You For Not Loving Me,
I'm Angry With Me For Still Loving You..
I'm Not Angry That I Lost You,
I'm Sad Because I Once Had You..
I'm Not Angry That I Can't Have You,
I'm Sad Because I Know What I'm Missing..
I'm Not Angry That You've Moved On,
I'm Sad Because I Can't..
I'm Not Angry That You Won't Come Back,
I'm Sad Because I Keep Hoping You Will..
I'm Not Angry Because I Hate You And Don't Want To,
I'm Sad Because I Miss You And I Love You..!

Before you met me...

Before You Met Me

You Were Sad

I Was Happy

Then I Gave You My Smile


Took Away All Your Sadness


Now I M Going Away Forever

Will Take All Your Sadness


Hide It In Some Part Of My Life


You Will Never Feel That

The Smile Up There Is Not Yours

Its "MINE" . . . =/ 

The reasons why girls cry....

Why girls cry:

-A Girl Wont Cry Easily,
Except in Front of The Person;
Who She Love The Most,
She Becomes Weak..! :(

-A Girl Wont Cry Easily,
Only When She Love You The Most,
She Put Down Her Ego..!

-If a Girl Cries Bcoz of You,
Hold Her Hands Firmly,
She's The one Who Would Stay With You
For The Rest of Your Life..♥

-If a Girl Cries Bcoz of You,
Don't Give Her Up..!
Maybe Bcoz of Your Decision,
You Ruin Her Life..! :(

-She Cries Not Because She is Weak,
She Cries Not Bcoz She Wanna Sympathy or Pity,
She Cries Because;
Crying Silently is No Longer Possible..! :(
The Pain, Hurt N Agony Have Become Too Big;
A Burden To Be Kept Inside..! :'(

-If a Girl Cries Her Heart Out To You,
And All Because of You;
Its Time To Look Back on What You Have Done,
Only You Will Know The Answer To it..♥ !! :) 

How can I ever arrange my words?

How Can I Ever Arrange
My Words To Say
How Special You Are
To Me . . . ?
You Are The Theme Of
...My Life
You Are The Beloved
You Are My Love
You Are In My Memories
You Are In My Happiness
You Are In My All
Every Single Beat Of My
Heart Is Just For You
Every Breath I Inhales,
Its Just For You Honey
I Live For You, And I Will Die
For You
I Laugh And Cry For You
All This Is Because
I Want To Do Something Special
For You
You Are So Special To Me . . . :) ♥ 

Whenever you feel alone...

I'll Stay,
Whenever You Feel Alone.
When There Is Something Wrong,
We Will Make It Right.

I'll Be There,
Whenever You Need Me.
When You Have A Problem,
Together We'll Solve It.

I'll Understand,
Whenever You Get Mad.
If You Can't Forgive Me,
I'll Just Wait For Your Forgiveness.

I'll Come With You,
Whenever You Want To Go.
If You Need Someone To Be With,
I'll Go With You.

I'll Be Your Armor,
Whenever You Get Hurt.
If You Feel That Your Down,
I'll Never Let You Fall. 

I don't wanna miss you

I don't wanna close my eyes 
I don't wanna fall asleep 
'Cause I'd miss you, babe 
And I don't wanna miss a thing 
'Cause even when I dream of you 
The sweetest dream will never do 
I'd still miss you, babe 
And I don't wanna miss a thing

I love you

I love you
you don't understand
how I feel, well
lemme tell you.

I will do anything
in this world for you
I just can't let you go.

You are the most important
person in my life next
to my flesh.

On and off for 5 years
is a long time.....
to love someone so much.

I love you with all my 
heart, nothing can 
change that.

Me and You are meant
to be. You are the best

You make me feel as
if I need you to live.

I need you in my life
my life. I am addicted to
you like a drug.

This love here
is unconditional it will
never end.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Greyson Chance photos


Greyson's photo shoot for his debut album

Greyson's photo shoot for his debut album(2)

Greyson Singing

Greyson Chance - Waiting Outside the Lines lyrics

You'll never enjoy your life, 
living inside the box 
You're so afraid of taking chances, 
how you gonna reach the top? 

Rules and regulations, 
force you to play it safe 
Get rid of all the hesitation, 
it's time for you to seize the day 

Instead of just sitting around 
and looking down on tomorrow 
You gotta let your feet off the ground, 
the time is now 

I'm waiting, waiting, just waiting, 
I'm waiting, waiting outside the lines 
Waiting outside the lines 
Waiting outside the lines 

Try to have no regrets 
even if it's just tonight 
How you gonna walk ahead 
if you keep living blind 

Stuck in that same position, 
you deserve so much more 
There's a whole world around us, 
just waiting to be explored 

Instead of just sitting around 
and looking down on tomorrow
You gotta let your feet off the ground, 
the time is now

Don't wanna have to force you to smile 
I'm here to help you notice the rainbow 
Cause I know, 
What's in you is out there 

I'm waiting, waiting, just waiting, 
I'm waiting, waiting outside the lines 
Waiting outside the lines 
Waiting outside the lines 

I'm trying to be patient 
(I'm trying to be patient) 

the first step is the hardest 
(the hardest) 

I know you can make it, 
go ahead and take it 

I'm Waiting, waiting, just waiting 
I'm waiting 
I'm waiting, waiting, just waiting 
I'm waiting, waiting outside the lines 
Waiting outside the lines 
Waiting outside the lines 

You'll never enjoy your life 
Living inside the box 
You're so afraid of taking chances, 
How you gonna reach the top?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

People nowadays. .

People nowadays are very complaining. Everything also want to complain. Not complain then it's gossip. I can't stand these type of people. Think they very big but not big. =.= idiotic. Zzzz...


Hoping, And Hoping

Hoping and hoping that the month of June would arrive soon. Fast. I want my new phone! I seriously can't stand this phone! Its really getting on my nerves for lagging, for blur images, for lack of memory space. 
Hopes that I'll get my new phone soon and before OAC June Camp! 
Really praying, and praying. 

Lots of loves <3

Apology Letter to Cheries for....

Sorry Cheries for the prologue of my blog being almost similar to yours. Just like it then copy, sorry ah. Dunno what to write le..

Signing Off! :D


I think my Mid Year will sure flunk.
I don't understand how to do today's science Mid Year leh. What Xylem, what Phloem, whatever.
Maths Paper 1, I dun really understand a few questions but most probably will be just a pass ah.
Well, I'm gonna study for my Maths Paper 2 tomorrow now. See you soon! :D

P.S. : I really like her blog. Please visit her blog at: www.silentc-onfession.blogspot.com

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The thing that I dread the most. .

Waaa, I'm gonna bang my head against the wall soon. . My parents actually bought a Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini pro for my brother!!! D: Every time, I'm the one getting things first and this time around, its my brother the phone getting a phone first before even I get my new phone?! #@%! He got it now during the month of May while I can only get my new phone next month, the month of June becos of my stupid plan. . Urgh!!! It isn't really fair lorh!

Nvm, Chill. Patience brings great returns. HAHAHA. :D LOLOL!

Signing Off...
I can't possibly love you and like somebody else, can't I?
You just don't understand me, so what's the point of still being together?
You just simply can't understand and you start scolding me for it? -.-
Its okay, I don't really give a damn about you, idiot.

Appreciate What You Have, Before Its Gone Forever..

Boy: I broke up with her.
His bff: What happened?
Boy: She's just too much.
His bff: Why? What did she do wrong?
Boy: She only cared about her appearance, always had to look good and take forever to get dress, so insecure! 
His bff: So you broke her heart because she wanted to keep your eyes locked on her? Because she wanted you and others to see that you have th prettiest girl under your sleeve and not think otherwise? I see..
Boy: She'd often call or text me asking where am I, who I'm with, telling me not to smoke, not to drink. She's so clingy!
His bff: So you broke her heart because she cares a lot about you and your well being? Because her greatest fear is losing you? I see.. 
Boy: She'd always cry whenever I say something slightly mean. She can't handle anything, she's a cry baby!
His bff: So you broke her heart because she have feelings? Because she just wanted to hear you saying 'i love you'? I see..
Boy: You know, she'd get jealous easily, just simply annoying. I could barely talk to other girls and I had to hide it from her when I did so she wouldn't bitch about it.
His bff: So you broke her heart because she wanted you to commit to her? Because she thought you were faithful, but you lied so she could find out later and get hurt even more? Because she just wanted th guy she loves th most to only her? I see..
Boy: Well, she..
His bff: You broke up with her because she's good for you? Because she just wanted th best for you? She's broken now because you were selfish and only thought of yourself, are you proud now?
Boy: I broke her heart.. because i couldn't see what was happening.. what happened to me??
His bff: You lost th girl that loved you no one else could have. You see? You didn't want her when all she ever wanted was you. That was what happened.