Saturday, May 28, 2011

A day where I had lots of fun with my best friends, OAC people..

Today was the day for kayaking leisure + kayaking star 1.
I went for Kayaking leisure, since we only got only star 1 already.  
We started from Kallang Water Venture. We kayak from there to somewhere near the Sheares Bridge.
Since me, Belle, Addison, Jasmin have only Star 1 cert., we have to stop at the Sheares Bridge's nearby platforms and sit there while the others (Valent, Yi Chien, Trevor, Daniel), continue to kayak till they reached the Esplanade. It was quite fun at first when you have to kayak that far but after a while, you'll end up tired. So when we were allowed to rest there, we were like happy?
So while we were there, we started slacking. we lie down on the platform and closed over eyes. Then Belle started singing, "Peeping through the windows, what do people see?" Then all of us started singing out loud, really loud together since we were the only ones there. 
We were laughing and laughing then we started tanning ourselves by lieing down on the platform. It was an awesome moment as the Sun rays shines over you making you want to sleep. We were all silent and we didn't even know Valent was behind us and the other were coming towards us too.
After that, We went for a swim from 1 platform to another platform and back up, then jump in again and start swimming in. It was very cooling.
After swimming, we started to kayak back to Water Venture, Kallang. 
After washing up and everything, we went to take the MRT back to our homes.
While walking, we started to play KMF ( Kill, Marry, Fuck )
It was an interesting game as you get to know what others think.
Well, its a game that you need to ask somebody who you want to kill, marry and fuck with and list out 3 names that he/she knows and then he/she have to choose either of them to kill, marry, fuck with. 
Well, Adam listed Mrs Yeo, Ms Angeline, Ms Puah for Rayson to answer.
Well, Sonya butts in saying, if i were you, i would prefer to kill Ms Puah, Marry Ms Angeline and Fuck Mrs Yeo. HAHAHAHA.

Will blog soon! :)

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