Monday, May 23, 2011

Rehearsals feelings...

Today's the final rehearsal,
Tomorrow's performance day.

Today, me and Amelia went to ask Ms Chan whether we can sit together or not., after the Sec 2s finish rehearsing.
You know why?

'Cause we wanted to make 2N6 proud. We wanted to be able to stand out from the other classes.
We don't want to be a class where nobody's singing while they play (guitars & keyboards)
So we decided to be the 2 person that leads the singing.
Well, I kinda felt nervous though. I didn't really sing in front of so many people 
(Sec 1s, Sec 2s, teachers, Mrs Yeo, Mrs Jacob) before.
Well, guess it depends on luck then.

Wish me luck! (:

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