Monday, May 23, 2011

Doing nothing is very hard to do, you never know when you're finished...

Life, you'll never know what will happen next.
So, live your life: HAPPY.

A Cheerful Heart Is A Good Medicine... (-Proverbs 17:22 NRSV)

After rehearsal today..
 We walked down to the front gate and was being stopped by the Indian security guard uncle.
It was 3.30+ PM like that at that moment.
We chatted, making jokes, laughing and disturbing people (who walked pass the security guard post and out of the front gate, as the back gate was closed.)
The uncle was like asking us whether we know any person that walked pass then when we told them the names,
he started calling out the names using different type of tone (eg, women tone, angry tone, etc, etc.)
We started LAUGHING OUR ASS OUT. Then people just walked pass us and then give us the diaoz looked.
Today was a quite funny day though. (:

Rehearsals feelings...

Today's the final rehearsal,
Tomorrow's performance day.

Today, me and Amelia went to ask Ms Chan whether we can sit together or not., after the Sec 2s finish rehearsing.
You know why?

'Cause we wanted to make 2N6 proud. We wanted to be able to stand out from the other classes.
We don't want to be a class where nobody's singing while they play (guitars & keyboards)
So we decided to be the 2 person that leads the singing.
Well, I kinda felt nervous though. I didn't really sing in front of so many people 
(Sec 1s, Sec 2s, teachers, Mrs Yeo, Mrs Jacob) before.
Well, guess it depends on luck then.

Wish me luck! (:

Just some riddles....

Hey, just some riddles I wanna share. 
Try it yourself then check if you're correct 
with the answers given below.

Question 1
A queen bee was buzzing, 
A worker bee was buzzing,
A honey bee was buzzing, 
A killer bee was buzzing.
How many bees were in buzzing?

Question 2
What did you wear the day after yesterday?

Question 3
There is a pink single storey house and everything in it is pink.
The doors are pink,
The windows are pink,
And even the TV is pink.
So, what color are the stairs?

Question 4
If a rooster laid 11 eggs and the farmer took 5 of them,
Another rooster laid 14 eggs and 5 of them were rotten,
How many eggs were left?

Question 5
How do cows count?

Question 6
If ones's not enough, two's company and three's a crowd,
what's four and five?

Question 7
Why did the man sleep with a ruler?


  1. There is only 1 bee in buzzing -.-
  2. What I'm wearing today, DUH!!
  3. There are no stairs in a single storey house? Haha.
  4. Roosters? Lay eggs? Roosters don't lay eggs, hens lay eggs.
  5. Using a COW-culator
  6. Nine
  7. To see how long he slept