Wednesday, May 11, 2011

People nowadays. .

People nowadays are very complaining. Everything also want to complain. Not complain then it's gossip. I can't stand these type of people. Think they very big but not big. =.= idiotic. Zzzz...


Hoping, And Hoping

Hoping and hoping that the month of June would arrive soon. Fast. I want my new phone! I seriously can't stand this phone! Its really getting on my nerves for lagging, for blur images, for lack of memory space. 
Hopes that I'll get my new phone soon and before OAC June Camp! 
Really praying, and praying. 

Lots of loves <3

Apology Letter to Cheries for....

Sorry Cheries for the prologue of my blog being almost similar to yours. Just like it then copy, sorry ah. Dunno what to write le..

Signing Off! :D


I think my Mid Year will sure flunk.
I don't understand how to do today's science Mid Year leh. What Xylem, what Phloem, whatever.
Maths Paper 1, I dun really understand a few questions but most probably will be just a pass ah.
Well, I'm gonna study for my Maths Paper 2 tomorrow now. See you soon! :D

P.S. : I really like her blog. Please visit her blog at: