Monday, June 20, 2011

OAC JUNE CAMP 2011 Part 2

We woke up and eat breakfast, blah blah blah.
Winson and Aidah divide us into groups then we play some sort of navigation games.
Group 1, 2, 3 -> Aidah.
Group 4, 5, 6 -> Winson.
I was in Winson's group so, yah.
He told us to be in groups then asked us to discuss about the question he told us.
After discussing, we sat together then Winson explains to us.

Afer all the games and stuff, we unpitch our tents and went to the bicycle rental area.
We went cycling from there.
We started cycling from the Public Jetty to Chek Jawa. After that we went into Chek Jawa, walked on the broadwalk, and Ms Puah asked us, " Whoever can find a horseshoe crab, gets to have a free coca cola ice from me. "
So everybody started searching for it as it was very hot and a cold, icy drink would be best, and then someone saw a crab and shouted, " Ms Puah! Ms Puah! I found the horseshoe crab! " Then after Ms Puah said it wasn't the horseshoe crab, everybody started laughing and laughing.
It was quite funny.

After walking the boardwalk, Ms Puah went to the vending machine and bought a few cokes. Everybody shared with each other so that nobody gets left out.
It was awesome after drinking the icy cold coke.

We rested a while and continue our cycling back.

We cycle and cycle and then suddenly, it rains.
We went to find shelters.
It was quite awesome.
After it rained, we cycled all the way back.
The floor was quite slippery so we have to be aware.
Then, we went back to get our stuffs and went to the jetty and off we go and back to Changi beach.

After we arrived Changi beach, we wanted to have a long bath but, Ms Puah told us to pitch our tents before we can go and bath.
So we pitch it as fast as possible and then, we ran to the toilets.
And we realised something...
It was an open shower.
We was like, OHMYGODDD!!!! So, we used our towels and cover the outsides and started bathing. After that, Mdm Ter came and said, " Okay, Okay, hold on while I'll go and ask Ms Puah for the bashas. "
And then those who were the first few to bath, including me, was like " Mdm Ter!!!! Never say earlier!!! "
Then, we were like sianz.
So we bath finish and went for dinner.
It was awesome.
First time our food was awesome!!
We were so hungry, man!
THen after eating we went to a nearby mama shop to buy some sweets and drinks for the night inside our tents.

After that, Ms Puah gathered us, and we started our reflections and group time.
After all that, It was time for Lights Out.
It was great experience! :)
NO HOMO, NO LESBO!! :):):)