Wednesday, June 22, 2011

OAC JUNE CAMP 2011 Part 3

We woke up, upitch our tents and put it back into the bags.
We went to brush our teeths, wash up, eat breakfast, blah blah blah. 
Then we gathered and waited for the Sec 1s and those Mount K. students to come.
After that, we went to do our stuffs. 
We played ball games, water games, skilled games. 
Then after all the games, it was 4.00pm.
So we took our bags and everything, the logistics all that then wewent to take the bus to Chalet. 
After that, we had free time, had dinner. (:
Then, game.
The game was candle war.
We were divided into 2 different groups and then everybody was given a candle stick.
Then we lighted our candles and then start.
It was fun.
Everybody gathered together and attack 1 by 1. :O
Its like we all have teamwork.
It was fun.
Then we had washup, all that then.....

LIGHTS OUT!. Hahahahaha.

More on other days! :)

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