Saturday, March 26, 2011

Hi, I'm back.. :D

Hi everybody. haven been blogging ah.. quite busy. My march holidays = to no holidays. my holidays were like fully packed with activities. Example, 11-13 March is my CCA ( OAC ) camp. Then right after the camp, the next day, i have my basic first aid course ( 14-17 March ). Ms Noraida treated us Macdonald XD . Then right after that there's Mount Belumut to  climb.. From 18-19 March.. so the days left for me to do my homeworks are left with only 1 day which is Sunday. Haix, what a week! Hahas. well, gotta go nows. Will try and blog more often! 

안녕내가 너희들 사랑해!

베라 <3

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