Friday, October 29, 2010

LOL Acronyms

CRAB = Crabs Race At Beaches
HALT = Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.
ARMY = Awesome Reason to Murder You.
CHEVROLET = Constantly Having Every Vehicle Recalled Over Lousy Engineering Techniques.
CSI = Can't Stand Idiots.
COMPUTER = Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Educational and Research.
MATHEMATICS = Many Academic Teachers Have Encouraged Math As The Interlock Connecting Science.
GAY = Girlish Adorable Youngster .

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Praise God !!!

Whoa . . yesterday's heat really makes people headache . Just by seating down and looking at Denise and Qian Ling run , I really can get headache and when I just walk into church for service , I feel cold and realized I have a cold .
BUT !!!!
Praise God that there's rain when we're in service .
Then , the PSI value dropped !
Praise God !!!
Thank God :) . . .

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Family . . . . .

hmm .... my family members are so funny .
especially my brother and my dad .
they lyk to tickle each other , hitting each other then end up laughing lyk crazy .
while my brother and daddy is playing with each other ,
me and my mum will also be tickling each other and then end up laughing lyk crazy also .
HAHAHA , my family is funny and sweet . Im so glad to be born into this family ,
even though we are F.A.S. , i still don't mind .
Even if you call me a deaf , a poor , im pissed , i still will be there , trying to stay the same attitude , calm and not pissed . .
So , don't be a sickening person trying to piss me until my limit is off load .

Hopeful Romantic This Century

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

REPLYs ...... REPLYing .....


REPLYING a person means ,

Respecting the person

Encouraging the person

Perspective of views

Life isn't quite boring

sharing of events that happens to you without seeing the person face to face
Yucky ones)


Im afraid of my results .....
Afraid that i cant get into express or will be lowered to NT ...
Im really afraid ...
BUT !!!
I cant wait for CAMP to come ....
So cant wait !!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

To someone

Er . I know you don lyk me just because that I speak alot of vulgars .
But just to let you know , SSS speak alot of vulgars so its not just me , ya .
Er . Your fellow son also does that , er , so don think that your son is a guai kia at home and also a guai kia in school . But seriously , his not . Even though that he's at home , he scolds vulgars to me , ya . er , thats all i think i wanted to say . If more , er , contact me . I'l try to reply you as soon as possible :)
Ya , er , thx . GBU .


Got back all papers today , Monday ....
First to get back was MT paper ... 86/150 ...
Then got back Math paper ... 72/100 ...
Then English paper ... i realised that my S.T.M. is getting more and more serious . I actually forgot ..
Science .... no need to say ... my best subject ever and I actually got .... 54.5/100 .... hais ....
Literature .... I ACTUALLY PASS !!!! I got a 35.5/50 !!!! First time ever !!!!
History .... I got 27/50 ... also a pass but I am still a 1 MARK behind from that "ZHU" !!! Btw , "ZHU" means PIG .
Geography .... I got a 60/100 !!!! ALSO a PASS !!!!! Second time !!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Finally !

Finally !
Tomorrow is the last paper !!
I'm so happy that I'm finally gonna be free and stressed-free !!!
Yayy ! Free Free Free !!!! So Happy !!!! :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

He damn idiot .

Well , I'm back after so long ...
I've also realized that the one I like before , is a damn idiot .
When he is steading with me , he actually tell other gals that he luv her , gonna stead
with that gal . And HE is actually with me that time !!!!
I'm so dumb to be with him . hate him 2thmax !!!