Thursday, September 30, 2010


We're through , Noel . Totally O-V-E-R , over .
U hurt my feelings too god-damn much . . .
U dun do things tat gf n bf does . . .
Weird siolz .
U talk to other girls more den u ever talk to me .
Its like u dun treat me as ur girlfriend .
I ignored u , u ignore me more .
I dun care u , U dun care me more .
Wtf . wad do u actually treat me as ????

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Exam Periods . . .

Exams are coming and most of us are feeling butterflies in our stomach .
We are all worried that we have to stay back or not .
We are all afraid of staying back in Sec1 level , dropping to Normal Technical .
We all are afraid .
We don't have to be afraid .
Afraid makes us more nervous and we can't think properly for our exams .
Well , we just have to be prepared for whats coming up .
We all knows that whether we should be up or downs .
We are all in our ups and downs .
We just have to think to ourselves that if we did study , we would just have to be
relaxed for our upcoming exams .

Well ,
All the Best to all of you , guys !
Jia Yous !

Hillsong LIVE - A Beautiful Exchange - Forever Reign with Lyrics & Chord...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hey guys ! :D
I realized that I've never been blogging for a period of time ...
I've been busy ... studying ... for End-Of-Year exam is coming up ...
well , nothing much happens in school already except for the fact that we are laughing and laughing every single day ... well gtg , bye for now ...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Going to Starbucks to study ltr ... Woots !

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Thanks guys ( and girls ) , for your encouragement :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

U didn't know wad happened but wan to comfort me ...
U didn't know it was about you ...
Ur buddy sabotages u because he likes me ...
He wants to screw everything up ...
U're too kind to protect urself but didn't realize dat you've been betrayed ...
U didn't know but I wan to tell u this ...
This is also 1 of the many reasons why the guys in our class hatez him ...
He betrays people especially the ones he's close too ...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Teachers' Day Celebration 2010

People who went :
Amelia , Cheries , Vera[me] , Angelus , Kristina , Keni , Shi Xuan , Jia Yi , Xin Yi , Noel , Yen Khey , Nicoll , Perry and not forgetting 2 teachers from 1N6 , Ms Lim and Ms Chan .

We went to Seoul Garden @ North Point to have lunch .
We had lunch then realize theres leftovers ...
Someone suggested that we should play a game like scissors , paper , stone and see whoever that loses have to eat up the leftovers ...
Everyone agreed .
Thanks to Cheries and Perry , we managed to finish MOST of the leftovers .
Cheries and I planned that after eating dessert , all of us wish Ms Lim and Ms Chan a Happy Teachers' Day .
After planning , we told everyone about our plan . Everyone agreed .
I counted 1 , 2 , 3 .... HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY !!!! Behind us the guys clapped their hands ! We were like LOL ! OMG !
Ms Lim's reaction was like ... she's so shy ! :O
Ms Chan's reaction was like thank you very much ...
After that we decided to watch a movie .
Yen says he want to watch Avatar .
We said Ok .
But when we reach there , No more Avatar to watch . So , we gathered around to decide on what movie to watch . We saw Step Up 3D . So we watch Step Up instead ..

The Dancers in the movie was so AWESOME ! They can act like a robot , dance in the water and stuffs ... I was like in the movie kept on OMG ! Pro Pro ! They are so cool !

After the movie , Ms Chan and a few of them wanted to go home while a few of us stayed to shop around . Amelia saw the Creative Corner alphabets and wanted to make an A as her name start with A . We all did the name key-chains together ... Its so NICE-Y ! ( dun care me .. i'm being bhb ... hahas )

After that , we went home to have dinner with our FAMILY...