Tuesday, August 31, 2010

today teachers' day so funny ... Mr Vincent dance !!!
OMG . never heard from other schools that their discipline masters ever dance ...

Monday, August 30, 2010

I've went out with Noel ... first time ...fun , funny
Although at first seldom talk but sooner and later we start talking more and more asking each other questions what to get for teachers day ...
He got 4 female teachers in his school key chains of the like Happy Teachers Day and stuff lorhh ...

We went to Daiso to see if theres anything for his 1 and only left male teacher .
I say this wan ? He say no .
Den we walk and walk around repeating the conversation over and over again den we don't know how we walk till the toys section .
Trying to be funny , I take a "cowboy" hat and put on my head den he laugh ..
I put on his head he laugh . Den he take a ( u press and a hand box u ) thingy and press .
Nearly hit my face . haha . I laugh den we find each other a thing to defeat each other den suddenly a girl ( he's primary school friend ) say : oi , I say hello never say hello to me arh ? den i think i know that girl . I think its my primary school friend , de secondary school friend , Ting Ni .
He say he call her ting ting . i say lol .

Den time to go home around 6.45 pm .. i say i taking shuttle bus he say taking NORMAL bus .
den i say ok . suddenly out of no where bus 859 come liao . i like thinking whether to take that bus or to wait for the shuttle bus . den i say , ai ya .. just take that bus la . den run over to the traffic light there and say to him , i oso take NORMAL bus den run to the bus stop . I doubt he heard what i say cos he like no fan ying den i get into the NORMAL bus and start sms-ing him say you cannot find me there cos i oso take NORMAL bus he say lol .

Sunday, August 29, 2010

can't wait to go out wif Noel today !!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Can't wait to eat Japanese food later @ Hokkaido , Tampines Mall !
I love Japanese food like sushi , sashimi and more !!!
My mum promised me last week to eat sushi and bentos and sashimi .
I was like Xtra happy ? omg i LOVE Japanese foods .. mm .. nice ..

Thursday, August 26, 2010

had so much fun

today had so much fun and laughter in school sia ...
in school , during recess , just by almost touching someone's (er hmm ...) den start smacking b**t
OMG from 1 person to another ...
den after school , at macdonald , we are eating what we ordered then suddenly Bryan tan said a joke dat made us all laugh ... OMG ...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

just recover from a fever and on my com check FB ...
WTH ! so many notifications ?! OMG !
den realize its all...from the same comments that Angelus post on my wall ...
Cheh ! scare me...

Saturday, August 21, 2010


going out soon to do project with michelle
.... zzz....
now feeling so sleepy ....
dun feel like doing already....

Friday, August 20, 2010

Don't be sad ...

1E2 too overboard , Amelia . Don't listen to them ..
Like Ms Lim says ... they are just very immature and they are childish and babyish ..
Treat them like dogs ...
Dogs bark rite ? Just think dat they are dogs then say doggies bark more !
Ltr when you ignore them dey enough of barking , they will stop ... cos no ppl care about them ...
Then if you feel offended by those "dogs" just like go to the office , find an adult dat is much BIGGER den them and tell him / her .
Then the adults know how to handle the "dogs" ...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

haha i'm using the computers in my school !

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

hahas ... today in M.T. class ... Me , Cheries , Nicoll , listen to music and donno wad happen den fall asleep .. Nicoll nvr sleep larhh ... he busy toking toking and toking lorhh ... zzzz ...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sian la .. today got science hmwrk den got math hmwrk .. and i very tired just come back from school after practicing for running lorhh ... idoit siol .. -.-"

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hahahas .. ur turn...

Haiz ...

Haizz .. somebody so coward siol .. Cannot handle ask sister to handle den sister cannot handle ask friend to handle . Fren oso cannot handle den go and tell teacher . .

We agreed to say sorry to each other on Monday . . . den Cheries called Roy down but didn't know Jasper , Nicholas ... will come .. den suddenly 1 whole big group of gang come down liao .Shi Ya ( Shi Xuan sis ) come down also . Dey wanted us to say sorry to each other when dey started all dis first and wanted us to say sorry FIRST . WTF ! Who is wrong first ? Who is in wrong first siol ? Nvm tell teacher so coward ...

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Running in Woodlands Square was tough but fun .
It was organised by Northwest Community Club .
I've ran 5 km for 46.55mins ! OMG ! new record !
And it was my first time too since Paper Chase run was a fail one as it rains so heavily till a tree fell onto the running track .
Lucky we haven run ...zzz...
It was tiring ...
It was fun ..
Some of us have muscle cramps , stitches ( i tink it was like dat spell larhh ...) but we 'll stopped for each other till we felt better then go on running again .
But I tink once I run , I can't stop or else I can't run again as the same speed le . Hais ...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Feel like giving up ..

Feel like giving up right now ...
But everything is just too painful to let go ..
Feel like giving you to the "rival" but its too hurtful to do so ..
Seeing you with other girls is just too painful ..
Why does everything seems so painful to my heart ?
Why does everyone seems to go against us ?
Everything is just too unfair in my world now with you ....

Pathetic You ...

U did whatever u thought its rite but u thought that I would get hurt by it .
U showed me an attitude .
Loving others more than me when u knew that I'm hurt .
People are trying to destroy our relationships but u didn't knew it and fall right into it .
The other girl is trying to lie to you and so that you be soon away from me ...
Never knew you would be this ... this ... pathetic ...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Too afraid

Too afraid to lose you but you made me want to let lose .

Don't break up for just a guy or girl ! :D

Whoa my relationship is getting more n more worst !
Now already got 3 Girls in my class like my guy !
OMG ! ...zzz...Wadever happens me and Noel wouldn't be easily separated .
So , rmb dis Don't ever break up wif ur bf wif jz another girl
Don't ever break up wif ur gf wif jz another guy . :D

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Yo !

Yo EveryOne ! This is the first post I guess ...
Had lots of good food these few days . If u consider it ...
Ribeye Steak then next day had Meatball Spaghetti ...
Awesome ! But I don't see why I don't gain any weight though ..
I'm extremely underweight for my height ...
Hais dun knw wad to do ... Dad keep asking me to eat more ...

Well .. Gtg ! Bye !